Don’t be “Dopey” ~ Know the Facts

Two weeks from today, Ohioans will be making a choice that will impact our state greater than anything we’ve seen in a very long time.

To be completely honest ~ when the proposal first appeared for the legalization of marijuana my initial thought was “What could it hurt for a person to have a plant or two to enjoy on their time off as an adult? Seems not too much different from having a couple of beers on the weekend, right? I mean Hey, if you grow it yourself at least you know that nothing “bad” has been added to it!” But then I started doing my own research when someone told me there would be a cartel controlling the whole thing, that only 10 people (whom are already millionaires) would have the right and permission for the growth and sales of it AND that to accomplish this, they would be rewriting the Ohio Constitution!

That didn’t sit quite right with me. So I decided to do some serious digging into what has been going on in Colorado since they legalized it and see for myself what to expect.

Terrified and Enraged are the two best words I can find to explain how I feel since learning all that I have on this subject! I have lived and breathed the “Marijuana Issue” just about twenty-four hours a day for the last 10 months, so I can debate the subject with you all day, but instead I just want to share a few FACTS that I have found through hours upon hours of reading anything I could get my hands on (for and against) and talking to people from all over the US (for and against) Issue 3.

  • LIE) It’s needed for medicinal purposes ~ TRUTH) There are already 2 different medicinal meds in pill form that doctors have been legally allowed to prescribe in the state of Ohio for years.  
  • LIE) It will cut down on illegal sales and crime ~ TRUTH) Since legalization in Colorado black market sales are still at 40% and crime rate is up 41%
  • With legalization comes ~ edible products and because it is food, it can be purchased with food stamps!! Do you want your taxes to pay for other peoples marijuana??
  • Percent of total marijuana-related exposures involving children ages 0 to 5 years old has increased 268%During 2013 – 2014, a yearly average of 17.71 % ~  This is about triple the national average of 5.95% 
  • With legalization comes ~ Pot shops… there will be 5 times more pot shops than Starbucks in Ohio
  • With legalization comes ~ THC extraction labs that are extremely explosive! Do you want that living next to you??
  • Workplace positive marijuana tests increased 20% from 2012 to 2013
    I had my 4 year old grandson at a meeting where we were watching a power point on marijuana edibles, at the point where we were shown the marijuana suckers he looked up and loudly said “Mmmmm Mawmaw!! I love suckers!!!”. That “Fact” impacted me more than anything I had read or heard!! Little ones whom we love so dearly do NOT know how to read, all they know is picture labeling and as you can see from these pictures, there would be no way for children to know there is something wrong with that “goodie” laying on the counter!
    In the 70’s if you smoked a joint the THC levels in it averaged 3-4%. If you smoke a joint today the average is 12-20% depending on where you are. Since the legalization in a few different states, they have been able to play with it and learn to genetically engineer plants and do extractions that give them THC levels of 90%!! Although that may sound really cool, truly think about it! We have NO IDEA what THC levels of 90% do to the body or the brain! We don’t know the consequences of this and I for one do NOT want my grandson to end up a guinea pig to find out!!! So the old argument of “Well, its a natural plant that God put on this earth” no longer applies. Once you mess with it and change what God put here you can not use that as an excuse.
    Most of the “Facts” I have listed here come from the RMHIDTA report. If your brain is not TOO fried from smoking pot you will be able to read it and see that it is a Non-biased report, that simply states the facts from many different resources.
    If you ARE interested in reading the report, you can find it here….
    Bottom line is this…
    Whether you agree or disagree with “smoking pot” this is NOT the legalization that you think it is. Responsible Ohio is the one putting out the commercials and everything else pro-marijuana because they can, they are the mouth piece for the 10 millionaires who win if you vote to make this legal.
    If you agree with me then please repeat over and over till you get to the polls…
    YES on 2, NO on 3 ~ Yes on 2, No on 3 ~ Yes on 2, No on 3 ~ Yes on 2, No on 3…..

~ Tonda DaRe                                                                                                                          Founder / Holly’s Song of Hope